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BFBN Week {Discipline}: Disciplining Foster Kids

Continuing with our theme for Discipline, today Natasha addresses discipline in foster care. As Tash's friend and someone who walks through life with her, I know this can be difficult because there are so many perimeters withing the foster care system that can limit your discipline options. I think Tash finds a good balance and is always on the lookout for natural consequences and creative ideas. Enjoy her post below.

When you take in children from foster care, there are A LOT of rules and restrictions.  One of those restrictions is no spanking or physical discipline (understandably so in a lot of cases) so we've had to come up with creative alternatives that actually work to keep our sanity and avoid having out-of-control kids.

Natural consequences

This is our preferred method of discipline.  Connecting the consequence to the action goes a long way with our foster kids who have likely never been taught about logical consequences.  For example, if they make a mess, they clean it up (even the 1 and 2 year olds).  I refuse to be their maid, and we want to teach them to care for and be responsible with the things they've been given.  (Click here to read more). 

Monday: Valerie at Chronicles of a Babywise Mom
TuesdayNatasha at Let's Be Brave
Wednesday:Katrina at Mama's Organized Chaos and Shea at The Moses Home
Thursday: Kimberly at Team Cartwright and Carrie at Wiley Adventures
Friday: Emily at The Journey of Parenthood and Cole at Twinning Babywise

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