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Dear Archer (1 Month)

Dear Archer,
It's hard to believe it's already been a month since having you on the outside. This month I have found great delight in you. It's been a hard month for Mommy recovering from labor and pregnancy and with everyone else adjusting to this new change, but you have been the bright light in the middle of it all. You are the sweetest, laid back little one and your sweet snuggles have been highlights in my day. A friend this week reminded me how beautiful a picture it is of how the Lord feels about us. Here I hold you and overflow with love for you even though you have done nothing for me. You need me for everything and yet the love I feel for you is abundant and extravagant. There is nothing you can do to take that love away and there is nothing you can do to earn it. And that's how the Lord feels about His kids too. My greatest prayer for you is that you would KNOW the Lord. That you would serve Him and seek Him all the days of your life. And that you would be a mighty warrior for His Kingdom.
This Month:
- I'm guessing you weigh in the 12-13lb range. Yeah. You heard me right. 13lbs. At two weeks you weighed 10.2lbs and I know you have chunked up a lot since then. We will know for sure when you are 2 months old.
- You are already wearing size two diapers. Newborns lasted us 3 days. Size 1's... Barely a month. My goodness you are a bruiser.
- You wear size 3 month clothes.
- During the day you are eating every 2.5-3 hours. I'm really hoping you settle into 3 hours soon though.
- At night you are waking 1-2 times for middle of the night feedings... About 4 hour stretches.
- Your awake time right now is about 45 minutes/feeding, including eating time
- You really do not cry a lot. Only once with real tears. You tend to fuss, but rarely full-out cry.
- You go down awake for most naps
- You have started coo-ing (mostly to daddy!!)
- You do not love tummy time. Mommy is trying to be diligent in it
- You favor your left side. We are trying to do everything we can to help you learn to love the right side too by alternating what end we put you in your crib and changing table, what arm we hold and burp you in, and even what side your bouncy seat faces the windows. I have seen a little improvement.
- You take a bottle fairly well as long as it is VERY warm
- So far you do not seem phased by your siblings. Even LK's continual singing of her own rendition of rock-a-by baby
Archer Leigh, you are so loved and cherished. We are so glad God made you the caboose of our family and I cannot wait to see how your personality will compliment our crew.


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