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{Weekend Recap}: Mother's Day 2016

My weekend started off on Friday with Laura Kate's Field Day. Haha, so fun and brought back so many memories of my own field days growing up! She did so much better athletically than I expected her too!

I also learned that she sticks her tongue out when she runs. I'm not sure when she started this, but somehow I don't think this is going to bode well for her. I hope a tongue re-attachment surgery isn't in our near future (can they even do that???)...

Her class won all three rounds of tug of war! There was much celebrating to be had by all!!

After Field Day, I had an appointment to finally get my Alabama Driver's License. Only a year late. I made an appointment because if you don't have an appointment, people have been said to wait for up to 5 or 6 hours. Seriously. Aint nobody got time for that! It took a month to get an appointment, but I was glad I did because I only waited 5 minutes. I guess now it's official... sniff sniff.

On Saturday, Ben and Hannah got married! It was so much celebrating them and the wedding was absolutely beautiful. We left the boys with my parents and then Laura Kate got to come with us. To say she enjoyed herself is an understatement.... girl loves to dance!

So fun getting to see hang out with all my girls! Such a fun night!!

Mother's Day this year, Kyle and the kids went above and beyond to love on me!They gave me beautiful flowers, candy, and Kyle even cooked my favorite breakfast: Brisket Breakfast Tacos. 

And because I love Fixer Upper so much, they ordered me these lovely hymn prints and awesome Texas Forever shirt from Magnolia Market!

On Sunday, we helped with the kids and I love getting to serve with friends!

And then to finish off the weekend, Shepherd lost ANOTHER tooth. (Is this normal for a 5 year old????!!! It seems young!!)

 We had a complete meltdown at bedtime because he thought he lost it, but what once was lost, now is found. This was my way to appease the meltdown in the mean time.....

Full busy weekend, full of so much love!

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