Let's just say that I hope this doesn't come off as being druidic or anything like that, but Carrie and I absolutely love the changing of the seasons! Autumn is pretty much here, and I know that's funny to say, since "the smell" hasn't officially hit yet and we're still having plenty of above 80-degree weather, but sometimes it's more of a mindset and a joyful expectation. We decided that one tradition our family is going to have is "welcoming in" the new season. No, this is not saying that we're "worshiping" the season or anything like that, but rather, we're taking time to reflect on where the Lord has led and yet another season that He has brought us to. It also means that we have adopted a new "fragrance of the season" (our choice being "Autumn Leaves" from White Barn Candle Co.), are planning a fun night for being festive and decorating, and looking at ways that we can celebrate God's reign over every season of our lives. All of the changes of autumn, bleakness of winter, blooming of spring and vivaciousness of summer belong to His glory alone.
"Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness." (Acts 14v.17)
How we Wileys pray that, whatever season of the soul you may be in, you find time and joy in worshiping the God who has ordained it. I know that it's a whole lot easier to praise Him when we're in the fullness of summer joys, but we must praise Him even more in the bleakest and hardest of winters.
"But what's good and bad, flows from the hands of the God with the perfect plan. Filling us with joy, all of this will glorify. Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost." (Five Iron Frenzy, "Flowery Song" w/ The Doxology)
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