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Headed to Romania

Romania is in the sights. Wes, Jason and I, along with the youth pastor at FBC Euless, TX, Kent Wells, are gearing up and are just about ready to go. Over the course of this weekend and early next week, please be in prayer about these things:

1. Catalyst teaching - this is the curriculum that we will be primarily focusing on teaching the Romanian pastors. Catalyst essentially focuses on Christian leadership and how to most effectively implement it into the Church. So, please pray for very clear understanding of the material in order for us to be able to teach (long flights and changes in time zones tend to mess with your thinking!), clear presentation of the teaching, and an urgency to bring the material to the people.
2. First Steps teaching - though the majority of our time will be spent teaching Catalyst, there will be a little time devoted to what is called First Steps, and is focused entirely on church-planting and discipleship; pray for these areas, too!
3. preaching - when we go on LDCs and Mission Trips, we often end up preaching in one of the host churches on Sunday morning or evening; we're not sure if this will be the case, but please lift all four of us up to clearly present the Gospel if we are called on to do so
4. Travel - please be in prayer for our travel; DFW to Chicago to Munich to Timisoara can get tiresome
5. Family - all four of us going on this LDC to Romania are husbands and daddies, so please pray for our wives and little ones who are going to be staying home

Thank you all for praying for us, both for this LDC and for Carrie and I as we continue our work with NEXT. We are so excited about seeing many of you in just a few short weeks!


1 comment

  1. Hey kyle have a blast spreading the word overseas! Just wanted to say a big thanks to you Carrie talking with you over facebook really is a big encouragment. It helps a lot knowing people like you guys have a heart for the nations. When you are out in the field you can get lonley and disconected from the larger picture. Staying intouch helps keep me in check.
