I know that a lot of "changes" have been promised for 2009, and we Wileys are making a promise to our family and friends: we are going to make much more of an effort to constantly communicate with you (and do it much better than the latter half of 2008) and all of our supporters! We feel that we did an "adequate" job of communicating what all was going on with us, but we want to be even better. And, we want to know what is up with each of you on a near-weekly basis! So, without further ado, here are some ways you can get ahold of us (and we can get ahold of you, too... although with some you might need to sign up!):
1. this website
2. Kyle's website (www.paxperpugna.blogspot.com)
3. Twitter (www.twitter.com); we both have our own Twitter accounts
4. Brite Kite (www.britekite.com)
5. Facebook (www.facebook.com); we both have Facebook pages, as well as our "Support the Wileys!" group page
6. "Holding the Line" newsletter
7. cell phone / texting
We love being able to communicate and know what is going on in each of your lives. We look forward to continuing to share our lives with each of you, and hope that you will do the same with us!
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