I do want to be candid with you and let you know some things that are going on personally for our family and outline some specific ways you can pray for us.
I am not oblivious to the fact that with most mission trips we face opposition and this is definitely applicable to the Wiley family for the past month. Kyle and I feel that we are being stretched, pulled, and grown past what we think our limitations are. After my emergency surgery in February, we have been faced with even more stressful situations. We are once again in a place of aggressive support raising and are working hard to add more partners to our ministry team. In addition to financial stress, we have truly discovered what “they” mean when they talk about TEETHING. Our sweet girl is cutting FIVE teeth at one time. In spite of several sleepless nights and stressful days we are affirmed over and over that we serve a God who provides and He has us exactly in the place where He wants us, teething and all.
There are some specific ways you can help us. This Wednesday, March 11th, we are asking our friends, family and ministry partners to commit to pray for us and consider fasting on our behalf for the following requests:
• Xalapa Mission Trip, March 14th-19th
• More monthly ministry partners, that the Lord would put more people in our path to share the exciting vision of NEXT
• One-time or special gifts to help us offset the cost of our remaining training trips (Carrie to Kenya in June and Kyle to Romania in June) as well as the upcoming medical bills from my surgery in February
• RESTORATION and REJUVINATION, in every way possible: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
If you are willing to commit to this, would you please leave a comment and let us know. I can’t tell you how much your prayers mean to us, every day. We can FEEL them and the Lord MOVES THROUGH YOU. We know that you are FOR us and we are so grateful to have you on our team. We cherish you. Thank you for all the ways that you support us!

I'm committing and will be praying for you tomorrow. Much love!