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HOME, covered in moss

I've been working on our mantle. I wanted it to be very representative of what the Wiley home looks like. I started by putting up pictures that really show off our personalities.

I needed more green. More color.

I first saw these moss covered letters on Pottery Barn...... $79/each. yeah. right.

Then I found a way to make them at home: Thrifty Decor Chic.

So I took the idea and incorporated it into my mantle. I love the idea of using "live" things to add color and depth. Feels so much more alive.

What do you think?

So this was my first attempt to hang them.
Too high, and the spacing was off.
And I needed to move the pictures around
(just didn't like the arrangment).

Much Better.

I think they turned out well.

**I ended up hanging them using command 3M strips. Brilliant.


  1. They look awesome. Great Job!

  2. hello! I found your blog through Pinterest - just curious where you found your letters from? thanks!

  3. Hey Katie! Welcome to the Blog!

    I got my cardboard letters at JoAnne's. I wanna say they were about $3.99/each. And if you grab enough copies of the Sunday paper, you can put a 40% off coupon on each letter.

    I have also seen them at Hobby Lobby and you can always watch for their sales as well!
