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Rolly Polly Talking Mohawk

Yes, my little squishy man, I am talking to you.

Today, little four-month-old-going-on-four-year-old, you rolled over from your back to your tummy on a flat surface.

Also, you have discovered your voice. And true to Wiley form, you like to use it. Your first word was "sqwaaaauk!" You really like to sqwauk at your lion. I think it's because he sings back to you. Several mornings and naps, I have gone in to wake you up or get you up for a feeding and you are happily awake talking to your friends.

You just need to stop it. Stop the growing up so quickly! Your mommy is having a really hard time adjusting to how quickly you are growing up. So just stop it! Slooooooow the train down.

As time barrels by at lightening speed, I am reminded that our life is just a vapor. Here today, gone tomorrow. Our timing is not His timing.

Do you know, sweet happy boy, that that is my greatest prayer for you. That you would learn to feel the rhythm of His timing in every breath you take. That you would feel the rhythm of His grace, the rhythm of His discipline, the rhythm of His love. That His ways would be your ways.

Every sqwauk and roll was ordained by HIM. and I'm so glad I have the honor to experience it as your mommy (but if you could just slow it down a bit......)

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