1. If you havn't seen my Facebook status in the past day, allow me...
Well, I guess we can only be a family of 4 for so long. Kyle Wiley
and I are happy to announce the 5th addition to our clan, due July
19th. And we just THOUGHT life was fun right now. (The Sasster is beside
herself she is so excited. She is also convinced she has a sister on
board and will not hear differently.)
2. Let me answer the question you are probably wanting to ask.
No. We were not trying. Yes. it is a surprise. But a wonderful surprise! Our hearts will always be excited about new life that the Lord has created and we are THRILLED about our new member of the family!! We knew we wanted more kids we just thought the timing would be a little different. My experience when the Lord's timing is different from mine is that his way is ALWAYS better. So, I trust him for this as well and rest in the truth that he alone creates life.
3.What's the story? (if you are uncomfortable with words like cyst and birth-control and ultrasound, you may want to skip this question).
In the process of changing birth control, we thought I had developed a cyst that was confirmed on an ultrasound. A few weeks later, I started having weird symptoms and was concerned I had a crazy-out-of-control-cyst. I went in and saw my doctor and found out we were pregnant! At the time, we didn't see a heartbeat but the doctor said it was very possible it was just too early. 10 days later we saw a wonderful little blink in the middle of a blog in the middle of my belly! On Monday I had my Prenatal work-up and got another sono. Everything looks great.
I am 10 weeks today and due on July 19th.
4. Random Carrie Wiley Trivia:
This is my 5th pregnancy in 5.5 years! yikes!
2006 - miscarriage/ 2008- Laura Kate/ 2009 - Ectopic/ 2011 - Shepherd/ 2011 - Baby #3
Through each of these pregnancies I have learned something new about the Lord but the same theme is ALWAYS the same: He alone is the giver of life.
5. Names???
If you have been around for the past 2 babies, you know that Kyle and I are typically pretty quick in the name department. It has always worked out that we easily pick a name for one gender and then the other tends to fall into line. I know a lot of people don't do it this way, but for us, it just always works that way. We are both planners by nature and we also are dreamers and talk about baby names we like even when we aren't pregnant. (yeah, I know, we're dorks too).
(More random trivia: I also feel like even though we don't use the other option of a name at the time, that it still counts as used. I know. I'm weird but I just can't think of it towards another baby.)
With Laura Kate, we knew we wanted Rettig Andrew for a boy or Laura Kate for a girl. We are so blessed to be able to pass the legacy of Kyle's mom's name to our daughter.
At the beginning of a very difficult season, the Lord presented himself as THE Shepherd in my life and reminded me of his ability to fulfill that role. Out of that is how we came up with the name Shepherd Andrew for a boy should the Lord bless us with one. It just so happened that he did. The girl name we picked out for then was Charlotte Leigh (Charleigh).
This pregnancy, Kyle and I easily agreed on the name Hannah Noel for a girl. Hannah means grace and favor and we feel like that's what this baby means to us and maybe what the Lord may be teaching us about this pregnancy. Noel because "she" is a Christmas surprise for us. As far as a boy name, while we still have a few other contenders, I think we have settled for the time being with Fischer Knox. Fischer means "fisherman" and we pray that all of our kids will learn to be "fishers of men". Knox is after John Knox, the theologian.
6. The Sasster
Earlier in the day, on the day we found out we were pregnant, Laura Kate drew a picture of our family that included an extra person floating above us. When Kyle asked her who that was she said "Oh, that's the other little girl. We don't know her name yet."
She is absolutely convinced she is having a sister. In her mind, she has a brother, now she should get a sister. When we ask her what she thinks the baby's name should be if it's a boy, she typically will say: "HER name is Hannah." or "I don't like a boy name. Her name is Hannah". She told a random stranger in line behind us at Target that "there was a new baby in mommy's tummy and it is a sister and her name is Hannah".
7. The Moose
Obviously, he has no idea what's cookin or how his little world is going to change. I am still nursing and hope to be able to continue until he is a year old. Pray for me.
8. Girl or Boy?
I feel either way on any given day. Today, I think it's a girl. 2 days ago, I thought boy. So far this is the easiest pregnancy BY FAR and I feel pretty great.
Another random Carrie trivia: I was FREEZING the majority of my pregnancy with LK. With Shep, I was hot. So far, I am FREEZING again. I was also really really sick with LK and wasn't with Shep, only a little bit. I havn't thrown up even one time so...who knows??!!
What's your vote? Hannah or Fischer?
9. What should the new blog title be come July? Adventures of Laura Kate, Shepherd, and ???, Adventures of Sassy Pants, Moose, and ????, or Adventures of the Wiley Kids? Adventures of the Wileys? Other ideas??
Cast your vote!!
Adventures of the Wiley Scouts