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Bold, Sassy Words


Today, I was once again trying to have the  "just in case" speech with the Sasster, the  "just-in-case, it's a brother" speech. This is how the conversation went:

After she felt the baby move (really neat experience. I don't think she ever felt Shepherd and this time she is the first person other than me to feel this baby move - even before Kyle!) she says:

"Mommy, I really want it to be a sister."

"Well, we will find out on Thursday! And we will love this baby and be so excited whether it is a boy or a girl."

"I just really think it is a sister and I will be the most excited!!"

"Well, who is the only one who gets to decide?"

"God is. But he has already decided it is going to be a girl."

Kyle asked her if she thought that because she just wanted a girl or if God had told her that. She replied, "God told me."

Since that conversation I have been walking a fine line in my parenting mind between encouraging her to hear from the Lord and prepping her with a "just-in-case you didn't really hear from the Lord" speech. As I have thought about it today, I am so convicted at my lack of living and speaking boldly for things I think the Lord speaks to me for fear of being "wrong". While I do think this is where heresy is sometimes birthed, I also think this is where good, safe Christians take a bath in luke-warm water.  I serve a God who speaks to His children through his word and in our hearts through prayer.

I once heard somewhere that "God will never punish you for mis-hearing Him." I think there is some truth to that. When you are wholeheartedly seeking him to the best of your ability, I think He finds so much delight in His children turning their ears and hearts to Him, waiting for even a whisper, and then walking and talking in obedience and boldness to what he he spoken. At the risk of being wrong. At the risk of being embarrassed.

Thankful today for a little girl who continually provides me with opportunities of sanctification, and who the Lord has blessed with a bold, sassy heart! And I'm thankful for the opportunity to learn from her today.

Faith like a WHAT?

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