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It's A........


We are so excited (and a little surprised!) that our 3rd Wiley Scout will be a boy! YAY! 
Fischer is on schedule to be here July 19!! 
So sorry to all who were anxiously awaiting a phone call or text. Of all days, my phone broke on the way to my appointment and I cannot get it fixed until tomorrow. Please forgive me for having to find out online first!

I don't know that I've ever been more proud of the Sasster. She looked and saw the blue balloons and said "That means it's baby Fischer!!!" She is actually happy about it!!! Thank you Jesus.


  1. Congrats friends! We are so excited to meet little Fischer! And...yes, I was one of those who texted you :) Way to go LK for being such a good big sister!!!

  2. Yay! !! I wanted to text but wasn't sure I could on your work cell. Thank you so much for the Phone call dear friend!!! We were in the middle of home group when you called(I almost got up in the middle just to listen Bc I thought that's why you were calling). Cant wait to meet him!!! And so thankful LK was excited :)

  3. I prayed and prayed for LK. I'm so proud of her too. I knew the Lord would give you all exactly what you needed. I felt like it was a boy, just wanted LK to have what she wanted sooo bad. But the Lord knows and already Fischer is being formed into the image our his Creator. How exciting, a Fischer of men in the family!!! Yay God.

  4. Ooohhhhh!! How exciting! I really wanted LK to be right, too, but I'm so excited for little Fischer! I can't wait for my little girl to meet him! :)
