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I have several several posts that I need to write to catch up here, but until I find the time to do so here's a little lesson I scratched the surface on this weekend.

This weekend I had the privilege of attending the Association of Biblical Counselor's Conference. One of the speaker sets was mother-daughter team Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson who wrote the book: Give Them Grace.  Their talk probably stuck out the most to me because it speaks most to where my heart is at right now.

My take-away in a note is this: I need to walk in freedom to not have to be the "good" parent and give my kid(s) the freedom to not have to be the "good kid". Because we are both sinners who need to partner together to seek God's grace.It's ok for life to be messy. And it's ok for my parent to not be perfect. Because it is not my job to save my kids - salvation is always,only from the Lord!  There is freedom there.

I can't wait to read the whole book!

1 comment

  1. I so know where you are coming from, and in the three seconds it took to read this post, I decided I must need to read that book...
