This past weekend you turned 4 years old and I have to tell you, there were several moments in the past year that I didn't know if either you or I would make it to see this day. But, by God's sweet grace, we survived the past year! As hard as this year has been, it has been just as great. Here are some of my favorite things about you:
- You are brilliant. So smart. And I don't think think so just because I am your mother. I really think you are brilliant. You have an incredible memory and are able to logically make sense of things that give adults a hard time sometimes. You ask really good questions and remember the answers.
- You are resilient. You never cease to amaze me with how well you handle life changes. To be honest, you do a much better job than I do most of the time. You have learned to be a big Sasster, share a room, battle lice, put up with an emotional pregnant mom, travel across the state multiple times, and many many more things that I can think of at the moment. You are a rock-star and YOU. AMAZE. ME.
- You are creative. You make the world a more beautiful place. You love to create things whether it be drawing, coloring, cutting, or decorating.
- You are kind and thoughtful. For mother's day this year, on your own you decided you wanted to give me a decorative mirror for our home. Daddy took you to Walmart and you picked out a beautiful round mirror that is now on our mantle.
- You are hilarious. You say the funniest things. Tonight you said "I don't like hot sauce. I like just-right sauce."
- You are tender-hearted and sensitive. You genuinely want people to be happy and will say sweet things to make sad people feel better.
- You love Jesus. You talk to him and about him, you sing to him and about him, and church is your favorite place in the whole world.
We went to the doctor today and you weigh 34.6lbs (50%) and are 40.5 inches tall (75-80%). Your vision and hearing was great.
You wear size 4T in clothes and size 8 shoes.
You are the most beautiful girl in the world. And I am so proud to be your mommy.
For your birthday this year, we met 2 of your best friends for cupcake at the mall. We dressed up like princesses and after we ate cupcakes we rode the carousel. Then Grammy came in to town. You chose to have your birthday dinner at Mcdonalds. Grammy rented a hotel room and you, me and Grammy had a very special spa party!! The next morning daddy and brother met us for breakfast and then we went swimming in the hotel pool.
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