Second, you should be forewarned that I am not going to sensor the girl stuff. So if words like "pads" and "mesh underwear" freak you out, you should probably just skip this post and we can still be friends.
For everyone else, or just me, Here's what I'm packing for the hospital:
Since this is my 3rd time around, I feel like I know a little bit better this time what I will need for me and Fischer. It may not be what other people would want or need, but hopefully this will be sufficient and not superfluous.
For Labor:
- Hair Ties
- Chapstick
- My own pillow
- Gilmore Girls Season 4, Book, and my phone that has several books and music on it
For Me:
- Comfy Clothes/PJs: I am bringing a pair of charcoal pajama shorts and heather grey comfy pj pants. Having never delivered in the Summer before, I don't know if I will be hot or cold and I remember being both int he hospital with both LK and Shep. So I prepared for both. Also I am bringing a couple of nursing tanks (I like to wear my Be Maternity tanks as nursing better than I do other options.)Cardigan, to wear home. I will wear these as my going-home outfit as well.
- Nursing Bras: One sleeper, one regular
- Nursing Pads: Even though my milk doesn't come in typically till I am home from the hospital, I don't like to get lanolin (or this time I am using coconut oil instead) on my bras so I use pads.
- Boppy Pillow: Because nursing is a lot harder without it.
- Nursing Cover: because people don't always obey the sign on the door
- Undies: Because I like to wear my own undies home. I buy 'em big. And even though mesh undies are so, um, "airy", I like to be back in my own as soon as possible.
- Always pads: As thankful as I am for the massive pillows that are needed after delivery (especially the ones with ice packs in them!), I also prefer to get to the "ultra-thins" as soon as possible.
- Flip-Flops: to have to walk around in
- Snacks: because every woman is a ravaging beast after she gives birth. Or maybe its just me. The cafeteria could not produce food fast enough for me.
- Make-up: Yep. If you know me, you know that I don't go very many days without it. I'm going to feel gross enough and I will need something to help remind me that I am a girl and not a cow.
- Regular toiletries: toothbrush, paste, shampoo, hairbrush, dryer, straitener, etc....
For Fischer:
- Carseat: because it's the law
- 2 Onesies, 2 gowns: I know they provide you some kind of hospital shirt but they never look comfy or warm enough and definitely not cute enough.
- Socks/mittens: because every baby I have delivered or met has cold feet! and they scratch their own little faces!
- Passies: I don't think our hospital provides them and we are fans!
- Swaddle blankets: During our hospital tour they told us they are trying to do without blankets and are using sleep sacks instead. I believe in swaddling so I will be bringing the blankets!
- Cute but practical going home outfit: Shep never got to wear his because we were just ready to get out of there and then it was too "fancy" to wear any other time. This time, we chose something that could be worn any day but is still super cute. Also it has leg holes (as opposed to a gown) to fit best in his carseat.
For Kyle:
Since our hospital is 5 miles away this time, I'm not packing very much for him. Just a clean shirt, boxers, and toothbrush.
For the Scouts:
I am putting together a Big Sis and Big Bro kit that will be a gift from Fischer to them. It will have a t-shirt and some special prizes in it. Hoping to get them put together in the next couple days and will post pictures when I do.
Anything you would add?
I'd throw in a pillow for Kyle. My dad went back to our house and brought Brandon's while I was in labor. He was very grateful for the good nap.
ReplyDelete[UNCENSORED] I don't know about this Baylor but at Baylor Frisco, the mesh panties are SOO much better than I expected. They were doing away with those awful fishnet type ones and using some that more closely resembled gauze/loose pantyhose material. They were surprisingly comfy! I wore them for several days after I was home because I was very bruised from my doc smushing me to deliver the placenta - my regular panties hit right on the worst bruising.
Good call on the pillow for Kyle!
ReplyDeleteAs far as the undies, I know there is always that chance I won't be out of the hospital's when I think I will, I'm just planning on being prepared for either. ;-)
Do they give any of those to dads?
ReplyDeleteMesh undies?, I don't think you would want them.