1. Take every opportunity you can to tell people about Jesus.
My grandad does this as a lifestyle. He is passionate about telling people about Jesus. After years spent on the mission field of Thailand, he came home to the U.S. to a different mission field but didn't change what he did. He still tells people about Jesus every day. He does is by his words and his actions. To his patients, to his neighbors, to his family, even to himself. He continually preaches the Gospel of Jesus, over and over and over.
(me, Grandaddy, and cousin Rachael in Thailand)
(Rachael, Grandaddy, me and my mom outside a Thai church)
3. If you have a sore throat, gargle with warm salt water at least 4 times a day.
I hated it as a child. Still do if I'm being honest. But the truth is, it works. Every time I have ever seen him or talked to him about a cold or sore throat, the first thing he would tell me was to gargle with warm salt water. My siblings and I would have contests for who could get the farthest in gargling the alphabet. And every time I have a sore throat to this day, I make myself gargle before I take any medicine.
Today, with a baby due any minute and a house full of cold-infested people, my anxious heart needed to be reminded of all three of these things.
I need to tell people about Jesus with every opportunity, even (especially) myself.
Hard work builds character. There seem to be many character-building opportunities in the past few weeks and maybe, just maybe that was the Lord's plan all along.
And yes.... gargle gargle gargle. Gargle.
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