Dear Fischer,
As we said good-bye to the year you were born, I was amazed at how fast time has flown by! You are five months old and I suddenly find myself changing out the swing for the jumperoo and the bouncy seat for the excersaucer. Instead of laying still on the floor, you wiggle and roll and bounce and kick. I'm afraid to blink in case you suddenly graduate high school without me knowing it. When I take this fear to the Lord he gently and lovingly nudges my heart and reminds me that life is a vapor, here one day and gone the next. He cautions me to not hold too tightly to this world, even to my babies. He asks me to release my control, my expectations, my dreams for you, in exchange for something far greater: HIM. His control. His expectations. His dreams. I am so thankful that He his far from done with growing me as a mother and I pray, oh how I pray, that he would sanctify your heart in the same way. That you would know Him and love Him and serve Him all the days of your life so that you may be able to lean on Him for every expectation and dream.
-You weigh a lot and have definitely grown in height.
- You wear size 6-9 month clothes and size 2 shoes
- You wear size 3 diapers
- You are sleeping very well
- We are starting cereal this week!
- You love to jump in your excersaucer
- You loved Christmas! You especially love your "Scout" Leap Frog puppy.
- You think mommy is the most beautiful thing you have ever laid eyes on and stare at me continually :)
- You think daddy is SO funny!
-You think your siblings are crazy (don't we all!)
You are a one of a kind, special Wiley treasure!! You are a delight and I love having you as my son.
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