I just keep looking at her sweet face and the word that is resonating in my heart this morning is “LIFE!” She is so full of LIFE! God gave her life and He gives life throughher.
I remember after my first miscarriage when we were finally pregnant with this little life. I remember feeling her move and kick and dance inside of me. I started to feel it then. The immense idea of just how miraculous it truly is that He creates LIFE. He is the Life-Giver!
And then, when I finally held her outside of my tummy and watched her kick and make all of the noise, and grow and learn and dance. And over and over and over and over, in the screams, in the whispers, in the quiet moments shared just between the Maker and me, He reminds me that He. Gives. LIFE!
And then… He gives new life. Forever life, through His Son Jesus. And those of us who believe in THAT, in THIS, in LIFE, get to see it NEW over and over and over every morning.
Don’t forget about the Life-Giver today. And don’t forget that He continues to give it new every day. It is the most wonderful, beautiful, intense, abundant, joy-filled miracle that we get to experience on this side of heaven.
“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
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