Dear Archer,
39 Weeks. Maybe my least favorite week of pregnancy. I'm not surprised we made it this far, but I would be lying if I said I didn't wish you would have come early.
I feel like the worst parts of me are on display: I'm irritable, selfish, and not always very kind. I constantly find myself needing to apologize and say thank you to everyone around me for putting up with me. Yep. I'm Crazy Carrie.
Other than all of that, I really do feel pretty good to be 39 weeks along. I am massive and my feet hurt, and I would love to sleep a little bit deeper, but really have very few complaints physically.
(yep... I just reused the pic from last week because I don't feel like getting dressed today).
(yep... I just reused the pic from last week because I don't feel like getting dressed today).
You are still moving a lot! It feels like you are trying to claw your way right out through my tummy (memo: that's not how it works).
We are having contractions here and there. But Mommy knows all too well that they don't really mean anything until they do.
Daddy is amazing. He not only puts up with me, he makes me laugh and he helps me even more than normal with your siblings and around the house. He's pretty much all of our favorite... You'll see why if you would just be born already.
Your siblings are all expressing their emotions about the upcoming change in their own little ways.
They really are so excited to meet you. We even made a welcome banner for you today!
I have really great friends who bring me sweet care packages to surprise me, just because I'm 39 weeks pregnant. (There were chocolate oatmeal cookies, but I ate them already)
And other friends who text me funny memes throughout the day.
So with a lot of sweet grace we are making it. And Mommy is working very hard to keep a happy heart. But really, we are just ready to hold you and snuggle you and meet you...
So Come out already!!!
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