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Shepherd The Ball Player

Let me just tell you something. The only thing cuter, in the WHOLE world, than teeny tiny tball pants, is when your teeny tiny offspring, that you carried in your very womb for 39 weeks and 5 days, puts on those teeny tiny tball pants and runs out onto a baseball field, LIKE HE OWNS IT. 

That's right friends, we have now entered the sports phase of our lives.

We signed our little lefty up for his first season of tball. We decided to start with Fall ball because it is MUCH more laid back than Spring ball. Shepherd is the youngest on his team and is also the only one who has never played before, bless.

So far, most of what he has been working on is just learning the basic rules of the game, oh and that crying in the dugout is not acceptable baseball decorum.

His first game was one of my favorite things I have experienced as a Mom. He was so excited! He played in the outfield. Literally... played (in the dirt) in the outfield. And when it was his first time to bat, he hit ABOUT twelve foul balls. Around the 6th time, he started crying when he had to run back and try again. So the 13th hit was successful until he was thrown out at first. Sweet thing was so relieved to get to run back to the dugout and not hit anymore.

As the games have gone on, he has improved some! The first time he got to run to second base, he ran to the pitcher's  mound instead of second (oops), but after that, he's been able to learn the bases pretty well.

He still loves to play, most of the time. He HATES WITH A FIERY PASSION his cleats because they gave him blisters once. So we just let the little guy wear his tennis shoes. Trust me, everyone is happier when he wears his tennis shoes.

He has had a few successful catches and gets on base about half the time he bats.

I should also mention how much his fans love cheering for him. His sister rivals only Grammy for the best cheerleaders at a game. Fischer and Archer are pretty chill. Papa, Great Grandpaw, and Aunt Deb have all made appearances as well.

All in all, not a bad first start to tball. Certainly entertaining.

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