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{Friday Favorites} The Graduate

Happy Friday! I'm linking up with three of my favorite blogs: MomfessionalsLittle Bit of Everything, and Grace and Love blog. Check them out and link your favorites! 

Also, my friend Tash started doing Friday Favorites too! You should read her blog and follow along with their amazing journey with Foster Care: Let's Be Brave. Also, they are just really fun people. You won't regret it. 

Y'all. My baby, the second one, graduated from Pre-K on Tuesday. I'll post a longer post about it next week. Short story: I'm a mess and he's a big boy now. 

Shepherd got to hold the flag for the pledge and God Bless America. He took his job very seriously.

He took the whole graduation thing so seriously that he wore his cap the whole day. :) 

Shepherd's FAVORITES :). I love that his favorite subject is "Playground". 

Archer's FAVORITE is the bath. 

LK has been sick this week, which is not my favorite. But her ability to smile even when she doesn't feel good IS MY FAVORITE. 

Tell me you've jammed to JT's newest hit. I watched this video approximately 12 times. Anna Kendrick and JT are my FAVORITE. 

I found these this week in the frozen section at Target. It's totally cheating. I couldn't resist the chance to try them and see if they were actually decent. They were. Now I will just get fat. 

The Malones got their girl! You can read about their gotcha day here:

I finished the last book in the Selection Series. This is the cutest series... kind of teeny bopper series, but that's right up my alley and I loved it. Think Hunger Games (minus most of the bloodshed) meets The Bachelor. So good. 

Whew yall... Dancing With The Starts this season has been awesome! It's been hard to choose a favorite. There was a double elimination this week and I am not sad AT ALL about the top three. It's hard to choose who I want to win... they are all three my FAVORITE. This was my favorite dance of the night though.

These are some of my favorite blog posts I read this week:

My sweet friends faced their one year anniversary in foster care. They continue to inspire and amaze me. 

Loved this cute, but so realistic, take on the kids' "If You Give" books. 

Love love love this article about teaching problem-solving skills. I love her 5 step process. We do something simpler but similar. We tell our kids to take a deep breath and try a different way. Can't wait to try this with them!

Valerie shares five ways to stay motivated as a mother. Extremely helpful and encouraging. 

Be sure and "like" the Wiley Adventures page on Facebook right HERE

I sell Scentsy to help generate extra income for my family and to make the world a better-smelling place. Check out my website here: http://carriewiley.scentsy.us  

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