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Shepherd's PreK Graduation

Last week, my sweet second baby graduated from Preschool! I am amazed looking back over the past year with how much he has grown and matured.

One of the biggest things I have noticed is how much confidence and pride in himself he has gained. When he works hard, he is proud of himself and he carries himself very confidently. This was especially evident when they called his name to accept his "diploma". He walked very slowly with the biggest grin spread across his face and his chin held high. I LOVE this about him!

I, of course, handled the whole program like a season veteran, and only cried the whole time. No biggie.

We have been so blessed to have Mrs. Susan as a teacher for Shepherd this year! She has been perfect for meeting his needs and so encouraging to me as a Mom. (And if all goes according to plan, we are so excited for Fischer to have her as well!)

Kyle was in Thailand during the ceremony, but Grammy was able to be there for the special occasion!

I look at days like this and just get really overwhelmed thinking about how truly blessed we are. I am so thankful for the community the Lord is building up that we get to be a part of! I'm so excited to see where Shepherd is going to go in life and I know I will look back on this time and remember how blessed we truly are!


                                                              LK's Pre-K Graduation


  1. Yes, he does seem so confident in these photos. Another milestone met!

    1. Yes! These milestones sure come fast these days!!
