I have started leaving Archer out of his bed in his big room during room time. On Friday morning he was SO QUIET so I peeked in (because my monitor is STILL LOST!) to, you know, make sure he was breathing and all and this is what I found. Totally passed out asleep on the floor. Sweet thing. (PS, I know keys aren't the safest toy on the block, but it was making him happy during room time so I went with it).
You can read more about How we do Room Time here.
Friday Night was DINNER PARTY NIGHT! It's the highlight of my month and I look forward to it every month. This month the Nicholson's hosted and it was amazing. Normally when we go next door, I just take my baby monitor because it reaches to their house. But alas, the monitor is STILL MISSING, so I asked if Lydia could come over and listen if the boys woke up. We let LK stay up a little bit to watch the Olympics with her friend :).
They served Mediterranean and it was so good and the table was so beautiful. I think my favorite was the **HOMEMADE** Pecan Pie Baklava. But honestly, all of it was delicious.
My mom sent me this picture of my dad when he was little. Who do you think that looks like????
If you guessed Fischer Knox... you are RIGHT! The round face, the lips, the ears, the eyes. I was amazed.
Let's talk about our boy Michael Phelps and his "final" Olympic races this weekend. (I used quotes because who will completely believe him until we are crying and missing him in 4 years when he isn't there??). I had to look up what the hashtage "#GOAT" meant and urban dictionary explained that it means the GREATEST OF ALL TIME. And I mean, clearly. No one even comes close.
If anyone gets to wag their finger, it is this guy. You tell 'em Michael. No No No Le Clos, you can just keep your mouth shut now. And No No No Ryan Lochte. Because he is GOAT.
On Saturday for lunch, my sweet friend Lindsay and her family stopped by on the way to the beach. Can I just say how I love being a stopping point for friends dropping by?? In the past year, we have had 5 or 6 Texas friends stop by and it makes my day!! Love it so much!
This sweet friend in particular is so precious to me and just getting a couple hours of her time refreshed my heart and encouraged me in the Lord.
Also, this popped up on my Timehop and I just can't even. Somebody make it stop. Look at these tiny tiny squishy babies!!! I remember this day and taking this picture like it was yesterday! Where did the 5 years go?? (They probably went to having 2 more babies and moving halfway across the country, but whatever man, let me have my moment).
Today, Elijah helped in Archer's class in the nursery and this sweet boy passed out! Even though we dropped his morning nap a long time ago, he still frequently naps at church or takes a quick catnap during room time. It hasn't seemed to mess with his afternoon nap so I'm letting it happen.
Such a fun weekend with a great week ahead. I'm looking forward to a "normal" week to try and settle into a solid back-to-school schedule and catch up on some house work! Happy Monday!
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