A couple weekends ago I went to visit my Grandparents! I road-tripped with my parents and my sister met us there. It's been a while since I've seen them and I really missed them. My Granny is really struggling with some health things and I want to be able to spend time with her while she's still here.
She makes me laugh and is so precious to me.
Also, this sister of mine. Love her so much. I only got to see her for 24 hours, but it was so great. We were even able to work on a little Disney Business in the SAME ROOM for once! ha!
The other really great thing about vising Arkansas is seeing my cousins! I somehow managed to leave without getting a picture with Jenny and Julie, but I sure did get one with this sweet squishy baby!! (and his Mommy too :)!
People have always said that Rachael and I look more like twins than Cassie and I! She's so much more than a cousin to me, she's my friend and I love being friends with family!!
This past week I started really watching my diet hard and trying to get some exercise going. It has been so difficult to lose the baby weight this time and I've been so discouraged about it. It got to the point where I either had to be really strict about my diet or buy bigger clothes and I just don't want to do that!! I'm off to a good start with just a basic high protein, low (to no) carb diet and drinking all the water.
Last month, Kyle was gone for 10 days to Thailand. It was such a great trip and the Lord really moved in big ways. We are so thankful for this mission and ministry that the Lord has called our family to. That being said, the Lord has really been working on my heart about what my role looks like and what it means (and doesn't mean). I'm working on a longer post that I hope to have up soon with just my thoughts and tales as a Missionary Wife, the one left at home.
The kids and I survived with lots of movies, early bedtimes, lots of play time, and great friends who took good care of us!
As proud as we are of the work he does, our FAVORITE PART is him coming home to us!!
One crazy thing that happened while Kyle was gone is that Shepherd got a severe toothache. If you have known me for any length of time, you probably know that I can’t handle teeth. Gives me great anxiety. So much so that I discussed it in pre-marital counseling and I don’t sleep the night before dentist appointments. I’ve had multiple nightmares of having to get dentures. It ranks somewhere above all-red Christmas lights and right below finger-nails on a chalkboard.
I wholeheartedly and completely blame the movie Castaway. (Ok… And maybe the 5 oral surgeries I’ve endured and the 4 years in braces…) (Friends don’t let friends watch Castaway).
Anyway, Shepherd got a toothache and so I gave him some Motrin and prayed we could make it till Daddy came home. Well, the next day his teacher told me he barely made it through the day, several times he was in tears because it hurt so bad! So, I put my big girl panties on and called to make an appointment for the next day at the Dentist. But, around 11:00, Shepherd woke up because the pain was so bad and his left cheek was SWOLLEN. I was so scared. Swelling on the face really scares me and my irrational fears kicked into high drive! I was a hair away from driving him to the ER, but I decided to call the Pediatrician's after hours line and talked with our Nurse Practitioner. After talking with her, I decided against going to the ER and just waiting it out until our appointment the next day. I did something I very rarely do and put him in my bed with me because I was so nervous and just wanted to hear him breathing all night!!
Shepherd was SO BRAVE at the Dentist! I was so proud of him. He didn't cry at ALL and I only teared up once and that was only when I was explaining about my irrational fears to the dentist. The really unfortunate part was that he had two abscessed teeth! Bless his heart! The hygienist said that she didn't see any plaque on his teeth and could tell he had been brushing, and that sometimes this just happens. I have always had bad teeth so I can sympathize really easily. We had to make an appointment for the next week because at his age he needed to be sedated in order to extract the abscessed teeth. Thankfully, the appointment was after Kyle got back! The dentist did start us on an antibiotic in the meantime to get the swelling down and help the infection. It did help the swelling, but took longer than I was comfortable with! After Kyle got back, he took Shep to his big appointment and now Shepherd is Cavity free and minus a few baby teeth. Whew! We survived, yall!!
Fall is so busy for our family! Lots going on! Trying to keep up with it all and enjoy all of the fun moments! Thanks for reading!
Oh, yes, Carrie, so much going on! I hear you with the dental stuff, and our fears when our children get ill. Glad all is well and Shepherd is on the mend! My daughter inherited bad teeth from her dad, and is having to have lots of work done now at age 29. Not fun, but worth the correction!
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you and your lovely family!