It's been a really full and fun weekend!
On Friday, my parents took the kids after school to go get a treat (frozen cotton candy! apparently that's a thing? They said it was really good!).
While they were out getting a treat, Kyle and I ran a couple errands sans kids.
When the kids got back, we watched Homeward Bound and ate pizza. LK cried all the way through it. And just when I was telling her to cool it, I started crying at the end! So sweet! I loved it!
On Saturday, I cut the boys hair. And by cut, I mean buzzed. I'm pretty sure Shepherd's hair has never been this short in his life, even when he was born. But it's a fun Summer cut for them and EASY for me!
Ok, so I have to tell you about my project on Saturday. Sometimes I get these crazy ideas in my head and can't get rid of them until I attempt it. So I've been eyeing those super cute leather, feather earrings. You know the ones? I see them everywhere and love them, but as with most things, I didn't want to pay $30 for a pair. Well, a few weeks ago, my sister had the grand idea to make some from leather scraps and I decided to copy her! I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a bag of leather scraps for $3.99. I used hooks from earrings that were old or that I never wore, and I make 4 really cute sets of earrings! I'm in love with them. My favorites are the long feathers, but I like the gold dipped ones too. It took me about an hour and less than $6. Such a win!
On Sunday, my flip flop broke at church and I had to walk around barefoot. We all know, when it breaks it breaks and there is nothing you can really do about it. These were my favorites and I knew they were nearing their end. I got them on our Disney trip in 2013 in Animal Kingdom. When we went in 2015 I looked for some more and couldn't find any!
On Sunday night, LK had a sleepover at Grammy and Papa's, and the boys camped out in our living room. I really really thought they wouldn't last past 11, but they actually last the whole night. Well, Shep came in our room at 4am because of a bad storm but he would have done that anyway even if he was in his own bed. They had a blast "camping" though. So looking forward to more fun things like that this Summer.
This girl was spoiled with extra snuggles and actually fell asleep in Grammy's arms. Can't remember the last time she did that!
And then yesterday, I joined Mom and LK for lunch and shopping! It was much needed girl time and all 3 of us had a blast!
Then to celebrate Memorial Day, we cooked out at Mom and Dad's. Fischer had been looking forward to that Watermelon for days and my sister had been looking forward to my dad using his father's day gift for 2 years now! Ha!
Such a fun weekend with some really sweet family time! Our kids still have four more days of school this week. (Yes, so dumb. We are all over it.) and then we are heading out to see Joel and Ashley next weekend!
Oh, what fun times, Carrie! Loved all your photos, too!