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Weekend Recap: Cousin Olympics, Beach, and Father's Day!

Our weekend started off with a not so fun bang with more car trouble. Kyle's car was in the shop (still is) because of some violent shaking and weird noises so we borrowed my parents extra vehicle only to have a blowout in it! If you think about it, pray for provision and quick repairs of the vehicles this week!

Joel and Ashley and their boys came into town on Thursday which meant extra snuggle time with this squishy nephew! Rolls for days!!

Cassie and Curtis and their boys got into town on Thursday night. Yall, I just love being around my family. They make me so happy and are more than family, some of my closest friends!!

No one makes better chicken salad than my Mama. No one. 

My sweet Mama. She has NOT felt good. She had surgery in her ear a couple weeks ago, and then was diagnosed with acute bronchitis and possibly pneumonia right when all her grandbabies got here. I so wish her health was better. I know she is so weary from all of her health battles.

Cousin time is so fun! I love that all of our kids are friends and love each other so much! 

On Friday afternoon, we held the first annual Cousin Olympics! Events included the pool noodle toss, balance beam walk, pillow case race, egg walk, and sponge race. The kids LOVED it and had a blast! Then it started storming so we ran inside to rinse everybody off and eat hamburgers! 

Bedtime stories with Papa are the BEST! He was the one who always put us to bed growing up and would tell us the best stories at bedtime. Love when he does the same thing with my kids, and of course they just eat it up! 

On Saturday, Joel and Ashley and crew had to head home, and we pretty much hung out at my parents house for the afternoon and evening. Cassie ran a couple errands with me and Kyle and Curtis went to some outdoorsy stores. Also, I made my sister some earrings :).  

On Sunday, while we went to our church for Father's day, my dad was preaching at a church in Gulf Shores. We made plans to meet up with Cassie and crew and my Dad at the beach! (Mom wasn't feeling up to it and I'm so glad she was able to get some rest, although we for sure missed her!). 

I was so proud of this girl! She totally ran out in the waves and had the best time! Even though she's nine years old, she still refuses to go near water without wearing a puddle jumper. That being said, she was all over those waves! She looked at me at one point and said "I've never taken on waves like these before"... like she was a pro surfer or something. I told Kyle I hope she always makes dramatic statements like that,

And of course, the Fisch Stick. Keeping it real since 2012. In this particular moment, he had saltwater in his eyes. Other than this, he actually did pretty well too. In fact all the kids did! The splashed and played and LOVED the waves and water. 

And the sand :)

This guy is just my favorite! I am so so grateful to have him to parent with. I couldn't do it without him and he is ALL of our favorite!

Archer's favorite part of the beach was chasing the seagulls. He would run after them ON A MISSION saying "Hi ducks! Hi!! Hi Ducks!!"

After a couple hours at the beach, we went to put our name on the wait list at Lambert's Cafe. They said it was a TWO HOUR wait when we got there. Thankfully things moved more quickly than that and it only ended up being a little over an hour. While we waited we actually went to Whataburger to get something to drink.

Lambert's was so worth the wait. The food was amazing (and huge!), the tea was sweet, the service was great and all of my kids ate their food without complaints. 

Yall. Look at the size of my chef salad in a bread bowl!! Goodness gracious it was HUGE. Our waiter said he had worked there for ten years and never seen anyone finish it (although I did have a FB friend tell me he finished it and wore the bread bowl as a hat afterwards! ha!). 

Archer was cracking me up the whole evening. This normally picky eater INHALED fried okra and kept calling it "chicken!". He tried to catch the rolls when the guy would throw them. He had the time of his life!

So fun getting to celebrate this guy in person on Father's Day. I'm so thankful he's my daddy and for all the ways he has influenced and blessed me. Also he's a pretty great Papa too!

Such a busy, full weekend with my favorite people! We made the sweetest memories! This week the big kids have VBS and I'm looking forward to even more cousin/sister time! ❤

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