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The Struggle Is Real

I know that as mom, we all have our struggles. The things that make motherhood difficult. The things that keep us up at night and the things we continually pray about and try to find solutions for. I narrowed mine down to just a few, though I could talk about a lot more. 


This might be common for mothers across the board, but it is for sure my biggest struggle. I can't tell you how many times I've had the conversation with Kyle: "what should I focus more on today, the kids or the housework?" There's not enough time for both. (pssst... the kids always win that conversation. People over tasks). I feel like my plate is constantly full and I frequently feel like there is not enough time in the day to accomplish all that I need to or for sure want to. 

So finding that balance IS a struggle. I don't have the solution and I am always on the look out for a better system to be more efficient or ways to capitalize on my energy. I often need to be reminded about the freedom and rest I have in Jesus and what the Gospel says about me as a mom. That I can't do it all, but He can. 

Another element to this is that I think it is so common in our society to feel the societal pressure to do more, be more, better, be all and do all. And when you just really take a look at things, so much of what we want to get done in a day or accomplish with our kids is undo pressure we put on ourselves. 

Being present

This is another big one for me. I struggle to be present in the moment. My brain is often whirring 10 steps ahead of where I am and it makes me not present in the moment. In these little days with my people, my energy is so easily sapped and there are so many thing to "Watch this!" and "Mommy please get me this" that I need almost daily reminders to be present where each of my kids are. I
know there is undo pressure here sometimes to, but there's a line and I struggle with it. There's grace and freedom, but there is a responsibility too. And also a genuine desire to be a present mom. So it's something I'm working on and want to be better about.


Yeah. I said it. It's my arch nemesis. I hate it. I can't find a good system. It always gets backed up. There are clothes everywhere all the time. I just hate it. 

I do have to brag on my husband for a minute. Because he is so encouraging and willing to listen to my struggles and encouraging me as a mom. He also is so quick to point me back to the Lord and make sure my priorities stay in line. 

Today, I'm linking up with one of my favorite blogs, Momfessionals for a Show and Tell Tuesday post! Check out some of my past Show and Tell Tuesday posts here:

1 comment

  1. I totally here ya! I feel the same way about all those things! For me getting rid of a bunch of stuff has made cleaning a lot easier for me and as for the laundry, my living room is the laundry folding station! Lol!
