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5 Ways To Teach Children Kindness

Continuing on in our week in the "-Wise" series, Caitlyn is addressing teaching children Kindness and I love it so much! This article has so many great ideas and I think you will find it really helpful! Read below and enjoy!

Why We Teach Children Kindness

The book On Becoming Childwise has 15 principles, and I am focusing today on Principle #4: Instill morality into a child and his behavior will fall into place.  

Let's dig right in!

Chapter Four of On Becoming Childwise says "We know you want to instill honesty, empathy, compassion, kindness, gentleness, respect, honor, and self-control in your children.  This is not a wish list from never-never land.  It is a reasonable goal for your children.  But they are not born with these virtues.  They're cultivated.  It is the duty of the parents to put character into their children and not sit back and hope good character emerges naturally.  It won't."

Well then.  That's a lot of pressure, right?  It makes absolute sense.  We have to teach our children how to hold a spoon and wipe their bottoms (we have only successfully mastered one of these in our household), so OF COURSE, we need to teach them how to be kind.  It is a learned behavior.  So how do we teach it?

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