The next day, we left Nong Nae and headed to Bangkok. Before leaving the area, we went to Bangkla which is the town my Grandparents were medical missionaries in and where my mom grew up.
Half a century ago, my Grandaddy moved his family from Brownfield, TX to Bangkla, Thailand. There, he built the first Christian church in the area and built the only hospital for miles. The ministry of his family has touched countless lives and his ministry of healing the sick and proclaiming the Gospel still lives on today. Such a rich heritage I have and I'm so thankful to walk on this day where he walked so many times before me.
The hospital still functions as a day clinic and has since birthed an amazing ministry called Thai country trim which employs women to make beautiful hand-made items, specializing in Christmas ornaments.
After we left Bangkla, we headed to Bangkok and checked into our hotel. We stayed in a really big hotel in Bangkok and the view was absolutely breathtaking.
That night, we took a dinner cruise that took us through the city of Bangkok on the river there. We were able to see so many things. It was really rainy, but it dried up enough that night for us to go up to the top of the boat to see everything. (Side note, Julie let me have a patch she used for motion sickness and it was like magic. I didn't feel sick AT ALL).
The next day was our last day in country. We ate breakfast in our hotel that morning and spent some time exploring the hotel. Then we went shopping, of course. We went to a couple different shopping malls and markets and then headed back to the hotel to get our bags.
Before heading to the airport for our flights leaving that night, we went to the spa! Which was AN EXPERIENCE. Hahaha, I'm still laughing about it. Julie, Lauren, and I were in the same room with our massage therapists. Oh man, they get up in your bidness. It was NOTHING inappropriate or unprofessional, but I couldn't stop laughing about the whole situation. I was really ticklish and just had the giggles. I couldn't look over at Julie at all or I would just bust out laughing again.
That night we checked in for a our first flight. It was 8 hours long and we felt every minute of it. But nothing like that next flight that was 16 hours. I was delirious. I did sleep some and I didn't have any biker dude offering me drugs in a tissue, but I felt like I would never get off that plane. After I got home I kept waking up that first night thinking I was just dreaming about being home and that I was still on that plane!
Nothing sweeter than coming home to my people. I was so ready to see them!!!
This trip was amazing and I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to be a part of what the Lord is doing through Lifevesting in Thailand. The whole experience has made me feel even closer to Kyle getting to see exactly where he works and where the teams are. So great!
This trip to Thailand was with Lifevesting International. LVI is a missions organization committed to helping National pastors move the Gospel forward all over the world by resourcing them with discipleship training, boots on the ground ministry and short term trips, and relationship building. We would love for you to be a part of it with us! To join our monthly email list, email me at To find out more information about how you can partner with us and support this ministry, you can email me or visit the website at
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