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Covid-19 Pandemic & the Wileys

I didn't want this time to pass by without documenting it for our family and what it was like.

I can't believe it was only a little over 8 weeks ago that we were discussing the virus like it was only a possibility of it coming to America, much less shutting down so much of our "normal" life as it has.

I honestly didn't know what to think then. It was hard to believe something like this could happen, because it never has before. I couldn't wrap my brain around the news projections. Alabama was one of the last states with confirmed cases, and Mobile didn't have confirmed cases for a while after that as well. Most people seem to believe this was due to lack of testing, not necessarily absence of the virus, however. Now, I have faces and friends who are sick and fighting this sickness. I know many who are putting themselves on the frontlines caring for those who are sick.

As a family, we started off trying our best not to focus on fear or frustration but on Jesus and remembering the stability and hope we have in Him and regardless of our circumstances, He never ever changes.

It was about 6 weeks ago that we began talking about what it would look like to move our services online. It felt like things were changing in the news daily, as our "social distancing" restrictions got tighter and tighter.

I'm so thankful to work with a team of people who loves Jesus and our people and are willing to stretch their creativity and minds and try new things. It has been challenging at times as we navigate completely new things, but we have seen the Lord doing amazing things in completely new and different ways.

Working from home has been interesting, but there are some definite perks! I have had some funny moments figuring out "zoom" meetings and learning new technology for LIVE Facebook calls. The weather has been mostly LOVELY, so I have taken over the back patio and been working at the table or in my new hammock.

March 15th was our official last day to meet in person at church. Many churches across the country had already moved to online services. We had about 70% of our normal attendance. I wish I had hugged more kids that day, because I have so missed seeing everyone. Every Sunday since then, I wake up just a little bit sad in my heart knowing I don't get to go through my normal Sunday morning routine and flurry of activity getting ready for our services.

Today marks the 4th Sunday we have streamed services online. We have had Sunday morning services online, and Wee Worship and Kids Worship in the evenings (as well as other kids stuff throughout the week!). I have tried to still get up and shower and get dressed just like I would as if I were going to the church building. I make myself a cup of tea and Kyle fixes himself coffee and try* and settle the kids down for the service.

All things considered, things at home have been going really well. Everyone is processing things in their own way. For me personally, it is an absolute roller coaster. There have been times that I feel that I am handling things with grace and rolling with the punches and then other times I completely melt down and lose it. 

Kyle is continuing to work at home. It's probably hardest on him since he is our resident introvert and we are now invading his space ALL THE TIME now, but he is of course handling it like a champ. He is truly the best teammate. He has helped with cooking, schooling, ALL THE THINGS. He just needs to go for a little drive sometimes :).

I'm so proud of the kids... YES, they are arguing left and right, but also, they are showing me how AWESOME they are. They are playing and laughing and snuggling and wrestling and talking and OH HOW THEY ARE TALKING ALL THE TIME.  

I've worked on a few projects, the least of which was painting the piano!  

If you have known me for any period of time, we might have had a conversation about how I would feel about the idea of homeschooling my children. Ha. 
Ha. Ha.

The kids last day of school inside their classrooms was on Monday, March 16th. They've had "enrichment" for two weeks, a week of Spring Break, another week of "enrichment" and then now they are officially kicking off the 4th quarter this next week of online learning.  

I am so so so thankful to have kids who are excited about learning. Every morning they wake up begging to start school. They miss their friends and their teachers, but they are really doing well with their online assignments so far. The biggest challenges we are having is sharing devices and making time for everyone to have a "break" from each other!

Grocery shopping has turned into something that feels like a mix between real life Grocery Games and something you read about from war-time. Shelves bare from people panic-buying toilet paper and meat and stores counting people and only allowing a certain number of people in at a time. It gives me this weird feeling of heaviness every time we've had to go. You add to that the recommendations of wearing masks and gloves while shopping so as to not spread the virus and it is very surreal.

 (Kyle takes it in good humor)

Cassie ordered a hammock and was telling me and Corie and Kara about how it changed her life so we all decided to order one too. We now have a hammock club. It really is one of the best purchases ever. I live in mine now.

So, we are taking things one day at a time, facing this together, and trying to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. We are doing it incredibly imperfectly. I just keep trying to remind myself to give grace to others and to myself. None of us have lived through a pandemic before. 


  1. I'm so happy to see that your family is not just surviving, but thriving in these times, Carrie! Hang tough and trust the Lord!
