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Weekend Recap:2017 Mardi Gras Edition

We had a very full and busy weekend! We kicked it off with Dinner Party at the Nicholson's. They served New Orleans themed food and it was DELICIOUS. 

Speaking of delicious, we had this blueberry wine and it was amazing. I don't have a very refined pallet when it comes to wine. I just like it sweet and to not taste like hair spray. This one for sure meets my approval. It's local to Mobile, which I appreciate supporting local businesses! 

On Saturday, I went to a women's conference at my mom's church. It was some great Mama time as well as fun getting to hang out with Aunt Deb and Kathryn. The theme was "Home: How's Your House". The event was really fun because they had vendors and shopping as well as food trucks for lunch! 

On Saturday night, we had my parents over for dinner and to play "Ticket To Ride". TTR is what Kyle and I gifted each other for Valentines this year. We had played it at a friend's house over Thanksgiving break, and LOVED it. It's a strategy game, but not an overly complicated one. My parents loved it too. 

At church, Kyle and I are both notetakers. As we were flipping through our notebooks we saw that some of our scouts had left us presents :). 

Last night we went to a Mardi Gras Parade. It was crazy per the usual Mardi Gras night. Our kids had a blast and raked in all kinds of junk, I mean prizes. Archer was TERRIFIED though. Like would start shaking really bad whenever a new float would drive by. I ended up standing in the back to help him and also so we wouldn't get mauled by a beads and moonpies. Those people throw hard!!

A busy week ahead this week with Tball practice starting up and training meetings for Universal (yay!!!). 

1 comment

  1. Wow! That was one busy, but fun, weekend, Carrie. Have a great week!
